Light grey color
Dark grey color
Chocolate color
Teak color
Grey white color
Redwood color

Teak Composite Decking Boards

Our Teak Composite Decking Boards has a beautiful appearance and it is one of our main 6 composite decking colors. It is a kind of new eco composite material which is produced under high temperature and pressure from the mixture of HDPE and wood fiber. If you are looking for Teak Composite Decking, Teak Decking Board, Teak Hollow Decking for your outdoor space, our Teak Composite Decking will be the best choice. Our Teak Composite Decking Boards is fire rated ,mildew proof, uv protection, anti insect and no pollution , making them the perfect alternative to traditional wood decking.

Seven Trust Teak composite decking are versatile, easy to install, and looks great in any setting. Whether you are using it for pool decking, patio...

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews of Seven Trust Teak Composite Decking Boards, a great alternative to traditional wood decking.


Actually, I am a student doing my master degree on wood plastic composite and its flame retardancy. I see on your website that, the composite cladding for example, has a good flame resistance. Please can you tell me your method to obtain that resistance : is it incorporation of flame retardants additives or by a flame retarding coating. For my study, I am working on intumescent coating but I want to know the method used by industrial companies. Also, please the test used to have that good rate ? Is it ASTM E84 or another one?

Thank you in advance for your help,


From: UK | Tag: wood plastic composite in UK

I have an existing jetty on my property next to the Vaal River. The cement slab broke but the structure is still in good condition. I wish to have a new plastic/wood construction fitted to the existing structure.

From: South Africa | Tag: wood construction in South Africa

Please send me some samples, amongst others the wood grain one. I live by the sea, would like some information about wear and tear over time in these harsh conditions and the care and maintenance requirements.

Any guarantee of the product, if so, what does it entail?

From: South Africa | Tag: wood grain deck in South Africa

Hello Dear.

I have many of business at oman and i need to import this material from yours please contact me as soon as possiple.
I need a price list for all types of plastic wood decking i’m very serious on importing this product in saltanate of oman please send me a price list ASAP

From: Oman | Tag: plastic wood decking in Oman

I want pvc floor best quality please give me some sample and best price
I want pvc floor 200 sqm
Please give me price and smple , can you give me your office adrees saudia arabia.

From: Saudi Arabia | Tag: pvc floor in Saudi Arabia