Light grey color
Dark grey color
Chocolate color
Teak color
Grey white color
Redwood color

White Grey Composite Decking Boards

Our White Grey Composite Decking Boards has a beautiful appearance and it is one of our main 6 composite decking colors. It is a kind of new eco composite material which is produced under high temperature and pressure from the mixture of HDPE and wood fiber. If you are looking for White Grey Decking, White Grey WPC Decking, White Grey Hollow Decking, for your outdoor space, our White Grey Outdoor Decking will be the best choice. Our White Grey Composite Decking Boards is fire rated ,mildew proof, uv protection, anti insect and no pollution , making them the perfect alternative to traditional wood decking.

For that beach house patio decking or garden decking look we have White Grey decking which has the added option of a clean sanded board finish.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews of Seven Trust White Grey Composite Decking Boards, a great alternative to traditional wood decking.

Dear Sir,

We have a project in Ireland to replace wooden plank decking for internal bridge between 2 private properties. Bridge is used for light vehical max weight of 5 tons and pedestrian.

Due to continuous rainy weather in Ireland wooden planks required replacement every 3 to 5 years and lot of maintenance required as well.

We do not want to use Concrete and steel grating for decking due to self-weight reason.

Therefore, we have decided to use composite material (PVC) planks if suitable.

Existing wooden planks size is 3000 x 250 x 75mm (L x W x D).

Could you please propose some of your product which can be suitable for above purpose.

From: Lreland | Tag: replace wooden plank decking in Lreland

Can you send me samples of Decking, Fence, wall panels products you have. also mention can you deliver to the Philippines.

From: Philippines | Tag: samples of Decking in Philippines

Vivo en la ciudad de chihuahua, quiero cotizar deck wpc para mi alberca, es un diamentro de 60cm de ancho por 12mts de largo, me pueden dar precio del deck y los componentes para la instalación por favor.

From: Mexico | Tag: deck wpc para mi alberca in Mexico

Hi we have a project and London for all of our roofing and balconies to be replaced with wpc decking and we need over 2000 m² of decking is can you have somebody in your international sales call me or send me a WhatsApp to my mobile please.

From: UK | Tag: wpc decking board in UK

Hi - we are a landscaping company based in Ireland. We would be interested in supply and installation of PVC fencing and decking for our customers and we are looking for a supplier.

Kind regards

Mary Curran

From: Lreland | Tag: PVC fencing and decking in Lreland